Posts tagged Agile
Software Teams and Teamwork Trends Report Q1 2020 by InfoQ

From the folks over at InfoQ:

Key Takeaways

— Remote work is suddenly the new normal due to the impact of COVID-19, and many teams are not fully ready for the change

— The spread of agile ideas into other areas of organizations continues—business agility is becoming much more than just a buzzword

— At the practices level, Wardley Mapping is one of the few truly new ideas that have come into this space recently. Invented by Simon Wardley in 2005, they are gaining traction because they are truly a powerful tool for making sense of complexity.

—The depth of impact that computing technology has on society has heightened the focus on ethical behavior and the move towards creating an ethical framework for software development, as well as growing concern in the environmental impact the industry has.

— Diversity and inclusion efforts are moving forward, with a long way still to go

— Practices and approaches that result in more humanistic workplaces, where people can express their whole selves, are recognized as important for attracting and retaining the best people and result in more sustainably profitable organizations


Interesting they listed “Scaling Frameworks” in the Late Majority bucket. Much of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 5.0 is also within the Innovators and Early Adopters buckets (such as: #NoProjects, Business Agility, and Enterprise Startups, and some in the Early Majority: Coaching/Mentoring, DevSecOps, etc.

My wish list (#RelentlessImprovement) for SAFe 6:

  • Product Managment over Product Ownership

  • Deliberate Culture Design

  • Liberating Structure (avoiding Zombie Scrum and doubling down on SAFe Principle 10: Organize around value).

For those interested in Team self-selection in SAFe— I recommend Tribal Unity by Em Campbell-Pretty. (1)


  1. This link is an affiliate

AgileP&TTeams, Scale, Agile